
景観生態学に基づくランドスケープデザインの実務報告と問題点 Practical reports and issues in landscape design based on landscape ecology


English below


2022710日に開かれた日本景観生態学会ウェビナー「グリーンインフラをデザインから考えるでの発表資料 (スライド総30) を公開します。


発表の趣旨は、次の通りです (スライド2-10葉より文章を抜粋) 。




ランドスケープデザイン1) は、大正期に「造園」と翻訳され、日本に導入されました。



正確には、セントラルパークの設計者フレデリック・ロー・オルムステッドが名づけたと伝わる「ランドスケープアーキテクチャー」。Source: Beveridge, C. E. & Rochrleau, P. (1995) Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing The American Landscape. 27 pp. Rizzoli
2) 日本景観生態学会編 (2022) 景観生態学, 246 pp. 共立出版

The presentation material (30 slides in total) from the Webinar of the Japan Association for Landscape ecology 'Considering green infrastructure from a design perspective', held on 10 July 2022, is now available.

The aim of the presentation was to (text extracted from slides 2-10).


The presenter considers landscape design to be the art of setting up places for people in nature, and approaches research and practice in this way. Landscape design should thus be a technology that conditions the relationship between people and nature, nature and society, as well as between people and society, but this presentation will focus mainly on the relationship between people, society and nature.

A brief review of the origins of landscape design, beginning in the USA in the 19th century, shows that one of its objectives was to secure the benefits that people derive from nature in modern cities, where the environment is deteriorating.

These human benefits from nature are nowadays called ecosystem services and are organised as consisting of provisioning, regulating and cultural services and the infrastructure services required for their maintenance.

Landscape design1) was introduced to Japan in the Taisho period (1912-1926) when it was translated as 'landscaping'.

Perhaps due to the way the terms 'landscaping' and 'design' are understood, 'landscape design' in Japan sometimes seems to give priority to the manipulation of spatial form, while at the same time seeking to fulfil practical and psychological functions, while basically responding to the local environmental conditions.
The presenter sees this as an aspect in which the concern for the manipulation of spatial form sometimes takes precedence.

In the past, the same was true for the presenter. However, I now aim to design landscapes appropriately based on landscape ecology, defined as 'the scientific elucidation of the structure and function of landscapes, their changes and their relationship to society, and the use of these scientific results to propose ecologically superior land use practices'
2) .

1) More precisely, 'landscape architecture', as Central Park designer Frederick Law Olmsted is said to have named it Source: Beveridge, C. E. & Rochrleau, P. (1995) Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing The American Landscape. 27 pp. Rizzoli
2) Japan Society of Landscape Ecology, ed. (2022) Landscape Ecology, 246 pp. Kyoritsu Shuppan