
地方自治権と生態系サービス: 沖縄県への在日米軍基地の集中とその環境影響に対する問題意識に基づく考察 Right of local self-government and ecosystem services: a problem-based study of the concentration of US military bases in Japan in Okinawa Prefecture and their environmental impacts



English below

 2024915日、私は日本地理学会2024年秋季学術大会で以下の研究発表を行いました。研究は、沖縄に顕著に見られる、日本政府による地方自治の制限の問題について多角的に学びたいという、社会運動に携わる市民の方々からの相談をきっかけに始めました。主題はシンプルで、多くの方々にご覧いただきたく、完全版スライドショーをここで公開します。発表要旨 (PDF) は、researchmapよりダウンロードしていただけます (J-STAGEでも公開されています)





 近年の沖縄県での辺野古新基地建設による環境破壊や、同県と神奈川県、東京都の米軍基地周辺で高濃度の有機フッ素化合物、PFOSPFOAが検出されたことから明らかにされた環境汚染は、人間の生存環境の侵害に当たる。これらの問題は、日本国憲法25(生存権)13(幸福追求権) に照らして検討されてきた環境権に抵触する。憲法の両条と、人間の生存環境の侵害を防ぐ環境権は、地方自治の基本とされる住民の福祉の増進の根本に位置する。環境権の保障は、人間が生態系から得る便益「生態系サービス」の保持から可能となる。





 On 15 September 2024, I presented the following research at the 2024 Autumn Annual Conference of the Japanese Geographical Society. The research was initiated following consultations with people involved in social movements who wanted to learn about the problems of restrictions on local autonomy by the Japanese government, which are particularly evident in Okinawa. The subject matter is simple and I am making the full slideshow available here for many people to see.




 The Local Autonomy Law states that the 'basis' of local government is to 'promote the welfare of the inhabitants' and to 'ensure democratic and efficient administration'. However, there are contradictions in Japan, particularly as seen in the concentration of US military bases in Okinawa Prefecture and their environmental impact, where the pursuit of local autonomy as stipulated in the Constitution is constrained by the State. Okinawa Prefecture has sought to reduce the burden caused by the concentration of US military bases, including by presenting the will of the people twice under the prefectural referendum ordinance, but the State has not responded. in 2024, the 213th Diet passed a revised Local Autonomy Law that includes the 'right of the State to give instructions' to local public bodies. The State is considered to be effectively increasing restrictions on local autonomy.


 The recent environmental destruction caused by the construction of the new Henoko base in Okinawa Prefecture and the environmental pollution revealed by the detection of high concentrations of organofluorine compounds, PFOS and PFOA around US military bases in the same prefecture, Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo, constitute a violation of the environment for human existence. These issues conflict with environmental rights, which have been examined in the light of Article 25 (right to life) and Article 13 (right to the pursuit of happiness) of the Constitution of Japan. Both articles of the Constitution and the environmental right to prevent infringement of the environment for human existence are located at the root of the promotion of the welfare of the population, which is regarded as the basis of local autonomy. The guarantee of environmental rights is possible from the retention of 'ecosystem services', the benefits that humans derive from ecosystems.


 Against this background, this study examines the significance of maintaining the independence of local self-government, based on an awareness of the concentration of US military bases in Okinawa Prefecture and their environmental impact. Ecosystem services are the basis for the promotion of residents' welfare and thus human security, and local ecosystem services need to be maintained in each region. This is an important aspect of maintaining the uniqueness of local self-government.


参照: 米軍廃棄物パネル展|note https://note.com/us_haikibutsu