English below
2022年日本地理学会秋季学術大会での発表に用いたスライド (総53葉) を、このブログで公開します。研究は、国立療養所松丘保養園 (青森県青森市) を例として、ハンセン病療養所の地誌的な記述を試みたものです。
なお、同大会は2022年9月23日、24日に香川大学 (香川県高松市) で開かれました。
発表要旨は、データベース型研究者総覧 researchmap でご覧いただけます (ダウンロードも可能です) 。
東北風景ノート|2019年日本地理学会春季学術大会発表資料「ハンセン病経験者の生活史に学ぶ持続的な生活環境の形成: 国立療養所松丘保養園の歴史環境の地域における社会的価値の予備的評価を例として」
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14866/ajg.2019s.0_178
The slides (53 leaves in total) used for the presentation at the General Meeting of the AJG Autumn 2022 are available on this blog. The research attempted to describe a geographical description of a leprosy sanatorium, using the National Sanatorium Matsuoka Hoyoen (Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture) as an example.
The meeting was held at Kagawa University (Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture) on 23 and 24 September 2022.
The purpose of the presentation is as follows.
In order to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against leprosy, which still exists, and against people with infectious diseases, as revealed by the spread of COVID-19 infection today, it is thought that reliving the places and daily lives of former leprosy sufferers may help to understand the problem. This reliving can be done through visits to the archives attached to national sanatoriums for leprosy and through reading the writings of those who have lived there.
This study proposes that geographical descriptions of the National Sanatorium for Hansen's Disease could be a source to support such understanding of the leprosy issue. However, as leprosy sanatorium involve a complex combination of various problems, here we focus on the relationship between the National Sanatorium Matsuoka Hoyoen and disasters as a case study, and conduct geographical research and descriptions from a perspective centred on disasters.
The abstracts are available on researchmap, a database of researchers (also available for download).
Research presentations related to leprosy issues were also given at the General Meeting of the AJG Spring 2019.
Below are links to the presentation materials.
Tohoku Landscape Notes|Formation of
sustainable living environment based on the life history of ex-leprosy
patients: In case of preliminary evalution of social value of historical
environment of the National Sanatorium Matsuoka Hoyoen, in Aomori City,
Aomori Prefecture
Formation of
sustainable living environment based on the life history of ex-leprosy
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14866/ajg.2019s.0_178
In the future, while continuing the research, I hope to carry out pro bono activities with Aomori citizens to confirm together the history of the Matsuoka Hoyoen and its significance today.